Managed Technology.

Easier Technology Support

Start support sessions faster 

One click confirmation to start a remote support session with CNY Webs. We can assist you or your staff with any technology situation.

Request support right from your PC.

Improve Your Security

Support specialists ensure your devices are fully up-to-date and protected

Security updates protect your system from vulnerabilities, we implement strategic maintenance plans and tools to ensure they happen. 

Light weight, commercial grade (trusted and independently reviewed) antivirus that gets installed on your computers.

Proactive Software Monitoring

Device monitoring that allows problems to be fixed before they become serious issues

Support specialists research problematic computers before they start the troubleshooting process, saving time and frustration for the end user.

We are alerted when issues happen.

Security Updates: If a computer fails an update, it can leave your system vulnerable to attacks or crashes. We see failed updates and get them corrected.

Storage Drives: Your storage drive is almost 100% full, which can cause extreme slow-downs, lock up of the system, or data loss.

Processor (CPU) Performance: The brain of the computer is over working, which can lead to poor system performance. Catching this early could prevent system failure and increase user productivity overall.

Memory (RAM) Performance: The short term memory of the computer, is showing excessive stress. Overloaded memory can be tracked back to corrupted software with memory leaks or needed hardware upgrades.

Know your Antivirus is installed, up to date, and online. Ensure the security of your devices.

We see the bigger picture of all the computers on your network, which allows us to resolve issues in the appropriate manner.

Logged activities help us and you track down issues.

Your Technology Specialist can correct stuck updates, and run maintenance in the background without user intervention.

Leave the complexities of Technology to us and free up more time for you and your company, keep your employees happier!

Leverage All Our Services

There are many more features and services that our managed support can offer, some include:

  • Portal: Management portal to track all your devices
  • Remote Access: Ability to remote into your work computers from home
  • Less Downtime: Background support while you continue working
  • Reporting: Customized device reports in PDF or Excel form
  • Tracking: Custom alerts to track specific device activity
  • Backups: Computer & Data Backups
  • Web Services: Website Maintenance & Support
  • Networking: Networking & Server Support

Let’s discuss your technology situation today.

Simplify the Web.

Taking complex technology situations and breaking them down, piece by piece, until they are resolved. We take the time to explain situations and work patiently through problems. Contact us today to discuss your situation.

(607) 678 9327

Monday - Friday 10AM-4PM EST.

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