Web Development.

Website Edits

We adjust and tune existing websites.

  • Initial assessment of your current website setup
  • Discussion of edits that need to be made
  • Scheduled time for us to make the updates

Website Rebuilds

Using your existing site’s design or theme, we build a newer modern site.

  • Keep the same look and feel
  • Benefit from a newer modern look and design
  • Benefit from a more secure and trustworthy site
  • Less thought and planning than a new site build

New Websites

Build a brand-new site from scratch.

  • New design and theme
  • New content, pictures, or videos
  • Full flexibility of content and placing

Website Security

After assessing your web products, we put into place security features to keep you protected.

  • Enhanced login security (MFA)
  • Protect against brute force attacks
  • Protect site data from being stolen for site attacks
  • Site back-end plugin and theme updates
  • Custom code changes to throw off attackers

Managed Web Services

Website support specialists watch over your web products and keep them running as they should.

  • Priority Support
  • Take the stress out of managing your website
  • Proactive communication and account reviews
  • Web Support fixes issues in the background
  • Simple tasks are covered (See More)

Website Features & Expertise

Word Press

Extensive experience installing, configuring, and building a website on the Word Press platform. Word Press is reputable, widely used, and greatly supported.

Helpful video explaining Word Press

Advanced Plugins

Allows a website to add powerful functionality without the need of full out coding, the plugins can be tweaked with custom code when needed.

Custom CSS

Change the look and feel of a website to make it looks as close as possible to what you want. CSS is a coding language that allows this.

We manipulate the site’s theme to get things looking how you want.

3rd Party Integrations

Link existing services to your website such as Mail Chimp, Drop Box, Google Analytics, etc. These connections allow you to utilize these service in your website to build your marketing list, track the growth of your site, or share resources with your site users.

Custom Forms

Gather information from site visitors such as new client information, questions people may have, or allow visitors to post to your site.

Example of how clean & useful a custom form can be (submissions are nicely delivered to any email you want.)

Example Custom Form


Search Engine Optimization. We adjust several aspects of your site (Content, Images, Readability, etc.) to raise your site in Search Engine results.

This increases the chance people see your site and allows you to do more advanced campaigns to get site visitors/clients.

Simplify the Web.

Taking complex technology situations and breaking them down, piece by piece, until they are resolved. We take the time to explain situations and work patiently through problems. Contact us today to discuss your situation.

(607) 678 9327

Monday - Friday 10AM-4PM EST.

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